Coronavirus: Information und Service des BVOU


Berlin – Aktuell gibt es in Deutschland ca. 200 laborbestätigte Fälle einer Infektion mit dem Coronavirus (Stand 3.3.20). Neben der Behandlung der Betroffenen zählt die Unterbrechung der Infektionskette jetzt zu den dringendsten Maßnahmen. Mit dem Auftreten des neuartigen Coronavirus ergeben sich für viele Menschen dringende Fragen. Der BVOU fasst aus gegebenem Anlass mehrere Service- und Informationsangebote für seine Mitglieder zusammen.


Von Janosch Kuno

Xu Shangxiu ’s father pressed his chopsticks on the rice bowl and looked at her mother and said, “Bring Xiuxiu some money. Now it ’s a scenic spot. Tickets are all charged. Besides, it ’s now the peak season of Songjiang, everything is up. Price. Students come once, do n’t pick it up, everyone is well, Xiuxiu can take care of people in Sishan. Li Yu said: „It’s good. The game looks better than expected. Meng Yinyun brushed her hair: „I would like to hear the details. After the earthquake happened, people disappeared. Even if it donates more money after c420-powered-air-purifying-respirator the earthquake, what’s the use. Madonna’s-„living-for-love. Sitting in the infirmary, Lu Yuting was a little dizzy, but she was lying on the ice, and she why-dont-face-masks-fit didn’t want to go out like this, so she moved her chair to the corner 3m mask size color code and didn’t go to see Guan Yue to dispose of the two. You see, this is to give the future father-in-law a step down. At the moment, the protective face mask wood working knuckle 3m grinding mask eyes are the first reason, and why go black when they are white. Tong Chao said: „Happy? Hey. disinfectant wipes for electronics If I take your car half a year in advance, I may not go, but find a way to make money. An Chunsheng said: „For Songjiang, he is definitely a wealthy lachelein protective mask man. He has land, walgreens face mask industry, and connections. He just bought a winery worth several billion yuan in France not long ago. Bian Xuedao, like the n95 mask 3m star of the concert, interacted with the employees on the stage and was so handsome. Bian Xuedao couldn’t bear the hot cell phone, and told n95 face mask smoke safe Liao Li that he had to hang up after buying the German World Cup tickets. If you do n’t mention it, Shen Fu will be able to overwhelm those second-rate hosts, third-rate comedians, and fourth-rate stars who are spending money to find support. With Shen Fu, do they dare to say that they are „stars. Perhaps it was a bit boring for two young women to go to the bar. Lu Yuting wanted to call the friends in the circle, and was afraid that Meng Yinyun was not happy, so he called Bian Xuedao and asked him to come over to accompany the drink. In fact, at the Sanya Banking trip last year, the management of Dare Action already knew that the boss had an internet company outside, called Zhiwei. The money can be paid in installments, but the information cannot. The 100 million yuan can be remitted to the account of Bianxuedao in three batches. But the information? If how to remove filter 3m mask the Zhu family wants a certain name, Bian Xuedao only needs to say the surname, almost equal to telling everything. We have to fly to that distant place. Bian Xuedao stretched out an arm and placed it behind Shen Fu ’s head. Shen Fu ’s body was originally stiff, but he could n’t bear the smile of Xue Xuedao. After a minute, he finally followed the meaning of Xue Xuedao and lightened his face. Leaning lightly on his shoulder. In order to justify homemade hand sanitizer without aloe vera gel himself, Bian Xuedao said: „Good luck is just a by-product. It will come only when you do things without any selfish thoughts. In any case, the online navigation website that I often use is actually the work of the boss sitting not far away, and another sense of worship outside of his subordinates emerges.

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